Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Vincent Heuveline, Co-Coordinator

Director, Heidelberg University Computing Centre

Head of Research Group
Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS)

Head of Engineering Mathematics and Computing Lab (EMCL)



1997 Ph.D. in Computer Science
2002 Habilitation and Venia Legendi in Mathematics
1997 – 2002 Research Assistant
IWR, Heidelberg University
2003 Deputy Professor for Applied Mathematics
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
2004 – 2009 Vice Director
Steinbruch Center for Computing
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
2009 – 2013 Director
Engineering Mathematics and Computing Lab
EMCL , Heidelberg University
2004 – 2013 Professor for Numerical Simulation, Optimization and High Performance
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
2013 – present Director
Heidelberg University Computing Centre
2013 – present Head of Research Group
“Data Mining and Uncertainty Quantification”
Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS)
2013 – present Professor, Head of
Engineering Mathematics and Computing Lab (EMCL), Heidelberg University



1999 Leslie Fox Prize
Dundee, UK
2009 International Innovation Award by the Itanium Solution Alliance Category: Humanitarian Impact
San Francisco, USA
2016 International SIGEST Award for contribution in
“Data Mining and Uncertainty Quantification”



2004 – 2009 Board of Directors
Höchstleistungsrechner für Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft Betriebsgesellschaft mbH
2005 – 2007 Head of Scientific and Advisory Board of the Shosholoza Team (Team South Africa),
2011 – 2012 Head of the CUDA Research Center Karlsruhe
Since 2013 Scientific Advisory Board
Deutsch-Französische Hochschule
Since 2017 Scientific Advisory Board
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Since 2018 Co-Coordinator “Informatics for Life”



Nicolai Schoch, Vincent Heuveline. “Towards Cognition-Guided Patient-Specific FEM-based Cardiac Surgery Simulation”. Accepted for the Proceedings of the Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart (FIMH) 2017, as part of Springer’s LNCS, 2017.

Nicolai Schoch, Stefanie Speidel, York Sure-Vetter, Vincent Heuveline. “Towards Semantic Simulation for Patient- Specific Surgery Assistance”. Online-Proceedings of the Surgical Data Science International Workshop SDS 2016, 2016.

Nicolai Schoch, Fabian Kißler, Markus Stoll, Sandy Engelhardt, Raffaele de Simone, Ivo Wolf, Rolf Bendl, Vincent Heuveline. “Comprehensive patient-specific information preprocessing for cardiac surgery simulations”. Published in the International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS), Special Issue: IPCAI2016, (DOI: 10.1007/s11548-016-1397-0), 2016.

Nicolai Schoch, Patrick Philipp, Tobias Weller, Sandy Engelhardt, Mykola Volovyk, Andreas Fetzer, Marco Nolden, Raffaele De Simone, Ivo Wolf, Maria Maleshkova, Achim Rettinger, Rudi Studer, and Vincent Heuveline. “Cognitive tools pipeline for assistance of mitral valve surgery”. Proceedings of “SPIE. Medical Imaging 2016: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions and Modeling”, 2016.

Andreas Fetzer, Jasmin Metzger, Darko Katic, Keno Maerz, Martin Wagner, Patrick Philipp, Sandy Engelhardt, Tobias Weller, Sascha Zelzer, Alfred Michael Franz, Nicolai Schoch, Vincent Heuveline, Maria Maleshkova, Achim Rettinger, Stefanie Speidel, Ivo Wolf, Hannes Kenngott, Arianeb Mehrabi, Beat Mueller-Stich, Lena Maier-Hein, Hans-Peter Mein- zer, and Marco Nolden. “Towards an open-source semantic data infrastructure for integrating clinical and scientific data in cognition-guided surgery”. Proceedings of “SPIE. Medical Imaging 2016: PACS and Imaging Informatics: Next Gener- ation and Innovations”, 2016.